How does a moment last forever?
How can a story never die?
It is love we must hold onto
Never easy, but we try
Sometimes our happiness is captured
Somehow, our time and place stand still
Love lives on inside our hearts and always will
Minutes turn to hours, days to years then gone
But when all else has been forgotten
Still our song lives on
Maybe some moments weren't so perfect
Maybe some memories not so sweet
But we have to know some bad times
Or our lives are incomplete
Then when the shadows overtake us
Just when we feel all hope is gone
We'll hear our song and know once more
Our love lives on
How does a moment last forever?
How does our happiness endure?
Through the darkest of our troubles
Love is beauty, love is pure
Love pays no mind to desolation
It flows like a river through the soul
Protects, proceeds, and perseveres
And makes us whole
Minutes turn to hours, days to years then gone
But when all else has been forgotten
Still our song lives on
How does a moment last forever
When our song lives on
How Does A Moment Last Forever - Celine Dion (Beauty and the Beast) easy sheet music for piano, keyboard, flute, violin, sax, cello suitable for beginners and intermediate musicians. Feel free to leave a comment if you liked this sheets for How Does A Moment Last Forever - Celine Dion (Beauty and the Beast) or if you think something is wrong with them and you know how to make them even better.
How can a story never die?
It is love we must hold onto
Never easy, but we try
Sometimes our happiness is captured
Somehow, our time and place stand still
Love lives on inside our hearts and always will
Minutes turn to hours, days to years then gone
But when all else has been forgotten
Still our song lives on
Maybe some moments weren't so perfect
Maybe some memories not so sweet
But we have to know some bad times
Or our lives are incomplete
Then when the shadows overtake us
Just when we feel all hope is gone
We'll hear our song and know once more
Our love lives on
How does a moment last forever?
How does our happiness endure?
Through the darkest of our troubles
Love is beauty, love is pure
Love pays no mind to desolation
It flows like a river through the soul
Protects, proceeds, and perseveres
And makes us whole
Minutes turn to hours, days to years then gone
But when all else has been forgotten
Still our song lives on
How does a moment last forever
When our song lives on
How to download How Does A Moment Last Forever - Celine Dion (Beauty and the Beast) sheet music?
You can download the sheet music for How Does A Moment Last Forever - Celine Dion (Beauty and the Beast) simply by Right Clicking on each image and select "Save image as...". If you prefer to get them as a PDF simply convert the images to PDF with any software you like, you can find a lot of such programs for free with a simple google search.More info about sheets posted here
This site is primarily aimed towards beginners, so all the scores posted are simplified versions to make the as easy as possible to play on a large variety of instruments including pianos, keyboards, flute, violins, sax, kalimba, cello and other similar instruments. The notes are also colored so it makes them even more facile to read and follow. For absolute beginners letter notes are also included above the staff.If you find any mistakes on How Does A Moment Last Forever - Celine Dion (Beauty and the Beast) sheet music or you have suggestions on how they can be improved, don't hesitate to leave a comment and we will do our best to implement them in the post.